Thursday, August 5, 2010

Will I look stupid if I take a photo of how I want my hair to be styled like into the salon?

I already know what I want my hair to be like and I have a decent picture printed off, will the stylist be able to get it right from the photo or will I look like a complete idiot? I'm going to Toni %26amp; Guy btw xxxxWill I look stupid if I take a photo of how I want my hair to be styled like into the salon?
tons of people do that! :]

*Will I look stupid if I take a photo of how I want my hair to be styled like into the salon?
Toni %26amp; Guy is a great salon, they should be able to replicate any photo you bring in. Just understand that the person in the photo might not look anything like you as far as face shape, skin color, etc, and that will affect whether or not YOU perceive the end result to look right.

But as long as you take that into consideration, they should be able to get the hair itself pretty darn close.
I think a little homework and asking around doesn't hurt and it's certainly not embarrasing. After all, you are paying for this style, so ultimately, you want the cut that's tailored to suit your face/shape/features.

If it's a shorter cut, then take it step by step. Ask the salon if they can ask around other colleagues to fins out if they have had any experience. You may not be the first and the only one and there may have been somebody out there who may have had a similar style.

The key thing is to be postive and be sure it's the style you want.

All the best

Numark :-)
It is a brilliant idea, the hairdresser needs as much input as possible and will be able to tell you whether the style will suit you, or may even suggest something else. Take the pictures with you when you make the appointment and ask if the style would be possible.
Usually the most experienced stylist can look at a picture and tell exactly how you want your hair cut. If you feel like you should take the picture, then feel free to take it. It will only help the person to get it right!

Hope that helps
No, they will love it if you bring in a photo, also its a great salon so if the person in the picture has a different facial structure to yourself they will be able to suggest how the hair style may be tweaked be suit yourself better.
Noooo. Most salons prefer to have an example of what you would like so they have ideas. It makes the process easier and faster. The salon worker has their work cut out for them and you have a better chance of getting the style you want to achieve.
no no no

i think its better if you take a picture in cause then I suppose the person will know what it looks like

I usually do it

or if i see one I like in a magazine I take it and show it

so ii dont think you will look stupid at all

well first of all im from a small town so i dont know what toni%26amp;guy is but i bring in pictures to my hair stylist all the time. and they actually say they like when people bring in pictures that way they know exactly what you want.
no, alot of people do it, i have a picture of how i want my hair next time i get it cut and im gonna show it to the hairdresser.
no!!! its a brilliant idea, i wanted a style change and my hairdresser didnt understand what i wnated an i ended up with a turbo-square frige and 4 inches off !

Take a photo they'll have more to work with x
No, i always take pictures when im getting a new hair style, its the best thing to do. That way you cant go wrong with explaining it and they can actualy SEE how you want it.
no not all, i do that all the time and my hairdresser is always glad because it gives her a much better idea of what i'm giong for!
nope, you are the customer, you know what you want, don't be shy about it, they have people taking pics in all the time!
No, i always bring a picture of what i want...alot of people do.

Its kind of like bringing a picture of the tattoo you want to a tattoo parlor.
nah i've done it twice before and it's fine they quite like it because they know exactly what you want then rather than a rough idea and a chance you won't like it :)
no, loads of people do it or take photos from magazines etc. I find it really hard to describe what i want. It's the best way to get it right. Good luck
I'm sure it will be no problem. I do this all the time when I am getting my hair cut because I want the hair stylist to cut my hair that way.
They prefer pictures because it shows what you really want.
No you would not. A lot of people do this. I see it all the time.
no that's a good idea lotz of people take pics, it will show the stylist exactly what you want
Nope. I would be much easier from the stylist to know exactly what their doing.
no, it would give the stylist a break from guessing what you want. do it!
its alctually a great idea!
umm no

plenty of people do that all the time
yeah she will if there good

i took a photo of someone that had the hairstyle i wanted

and the got it right
nope! you will be fine
nah i take pictures in and they do it just fine

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