Thursday, August 5, 2010

New york salons...?

if i go to a hair salon in new york without an idea for what i want my hair to look like, can the stylist tell by looking at me what will look good on me? and would they be able to do that without a picture?New york salons...?
I would go to a hair stylist and tell her/him everything you do and don't like about your hair and ask their thoughts on what they think would look best. A good stylist at a good salon realy will have a lot of training and a ton of great ideas because they learned how to do more hair cuts then we could think of on our own! The girl who does my hair does a wonderful job and my hair suits me more then it ever has in my entire life.



http://www.siteadvertising.orgNew york salons...?
It totally depends based on the hairdresser, regardless of location. I go a small beauty salon in Connecticut because my hairdresser does the best job I've had! But yes, if you're going narrow it down, a higher-end hair salon is your best bet with no picture. Call ahead to salons and ask about the creativity of the employees.

Also, on, you can sign up to have cosmetology students do your hair for really cheap. Sometimes they advertise specific hairstyles like the bob for instance. Maybe you will find ideas on there.
you would have to go to a really good hairdresser, and it would cost you a lot more money but it would be worth it in the end.

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